

Consumer Reportsの評価では、Teslaの運転支援システムは良好ながら他メーカーに劣るとされています。特定機能が不足し、Mercedes-BenzやGM、Fordなどのシステムが優れているとされています。同団体は100万ドルのテストトラックで公平に評価を行い、ADASの進化を測っています。
#運転支援システム #消費者レポート #メルセデス



  • 00:00 – 00:42 – 導入: 運転支援システムのテスト
  • 00:49 第1章 – 運転支援システム
  • 03:27 第2章 – メルセデス vs テスラ
  • 04:26 第3章 – 最高評価のシステム
  • 07:38 第4章 – 将来



Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving systems are good, but they aren’t the best out there, according to testing group Consumer Reports. Tesla cars lack specific features that cars from Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, Ford, BMW, even Hyundai all have. CNBC visited the group’s $1 million specialized advanced driver assistance system test track to see how the group evaluates the cars, and why they think some brands are doing advance driver assistance systems (ADAS) better than others.

00:00 – 00:42 – Introduction: Putting advanced driver assistance systems to the test

00:49 Chapter 1 – Advanced driver assistance systems

03:27 Chapter 2 – Mercedes vs Tesla

04:26 Chapter 3 – Top-rated systems

07:38 Chapter 4 – The future  












メルセデスの運転支援システムは、テスラのオートパイロットや他のメーカーのシステムと比較しても、優れた機能と安全性を備えています。消費者レポートの評価においてもその優位性が裏付けられており、運転者の負担軽減や高速道路でのサポートに特化した設計が高い評価を得ています。今後もさらなる進化が期待されるこのシステムは、自動車業界における運転支援技術の新たな基準を築いていくことでしょう。 このように、メルセデスの運転支援システムは、他メーカーと比較しての優位性が明確であり、特に安全性と利便性の両面で高い期待が寄せられています。  


Introduction to Mercedes’ Driver Assistance System

Mercedes’ driver assistance system is regarded as one of the most advanced technologies in the current automotive industry. It has received high praise, particularly in consumer reports’ evaluations, outperforming systems from other manufacturers, including Tesla’s Autopilot. This system specializes in highway driving assistance and aims to significantly reduce the burden on drivers. Its comprehensive set of features has earned it acclaim from both consumers and experts.

Evaluation of Tesla’s Autopilot

On the other hand, Tesla’s Autopilot provides partial driver assistance as its name suggests. However, it is not a fully autonomous driving system and requires drivers to remain attentive. According to consumer reports, Tesla’s Autopilot lacks certain critical features and is considered inferior compared to systems from other manufacturers. Its effectiveness is limited to specific scenarios, which contributes to its lower evaluation.

Consumer Reports’ Testing Methods

Consumer Reports utilizes a $1,000,000 purpose-built driver assistance system test track to fairly evaluate systems from various manufacturers. These tests analyze performance, safety, and the level of support provided to drivers in detail. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each system, the evaluations enable consumers to make informed choices. The emphasis on driver safety is a critical aspect of these assessments, with Mercedes’ system consistently standing out.

Comparison Between Mercedes and Other Manufacturers

Mercedes’ driver assistance system has been compared to those of other major manufacturers such as General Motors, Ford, BMW, and Hyundai. The results show that Mercedes excels in areas such as feature richness and highway driving assistance performance. Designed to alleviate the burden on drivers, its effectiveness is notably superior when compared to other systems.

Conclusion and Future Prospects

Mercedes’ driver assistance system offers superior functionality and safety compared to Tesla’s Autopilot and systems from other manufacturers. This superiority is supported by consumer reports, which highlight its design focus on reducing driver burden and its specialization in highway support. As this system continues to evolve, it is expected to set new standards for driver assistance technology in the automotive industry. Thus, Mercedes’ driver assistance system stands out for its clear advantages over competitors, especially in terms of safety and convenience, making it a highly anticipated innovation for the future.  


  1. assistance – 支援
  2. autonomous – 自律的な、独立した
  3. evaluation – 評価
  4. performance – 性能
  5. safety – 安全性
  6. burden – 負担
  7. comprehensive – 包括的な
  8. feature – 特徴
  9. consistently – 一貫して
  10. comparison – 比較
  11. superior – 優れた
  12. highlight – 強調する、際立たせる
  13. specialize – 専門にする
  14. manufacturer – 製造業者
  15. autopilot – 自動操縦装置
  16. scenario – シナリオ、状況
  17. consumer – 消費者
  18. track – トラック(試験用のコース)
  19. reliable – 信頼できる
  20. significantly – 大幅に
  21. purpose-built – 特定の目的のために作られた
  22. industry – 産業
  23. technology – 技術
  24. inferior – 劣っている
  25. enable – 可能にする
  26. support – 支援する
  27. anticipate – 期待する
  28. innovation – 革新
  29. design – 設計
  30. evolve – 進化する
