




















The Impact of President Trump’s Immigration Policy


President Trump’s mass deportation policy has garnered significant attention as a major measure to address illegal immigration issues. The policy stems from discussions about the impact of illegal immigration on the U.S. economy, society, and security. However, there are growing concerns about how such strict measures might affect other sectors, particularly agriculture and the economy. This article examines the effects of the Trump administration’s immigration policy on agricultural labor, the food supply chain, and the overall U.S. economy. What do you think about the impact of this policy? Let us delve into the broader picture below.

The Current State of Agricultural Labor

In the U.S. agricultural sector, approximately two-thirds of the workforce comprises foreign-born workers, of whom about 42% lack legal work authorization. These immigrant workers play a vital role in sustaining U.S. agricultural production. However, stricter immigration policies have led to a severe labor shortage in the agricultural sector. Many immigrant workers endure low wages, long hours, and harsh working conditions. This exacerbates the challenges faced by the U.S. agricultural industry.

Impact on the Food Supply Chain

The deportation of undocumented immigrants directly affects the entire U.S. food supply chain. Labor shortages lead to reduced agricultural production, which, in turn, drives up food prices. Perishable goods like fruits and vegetables are particularly vulnerable to these disruptions, causing price increases for everyday consumer items. Additionally, instability in food supply threatens domestic food security and could increase reliance on imports, raising concerns about the nation’s self-sufficiency.

Economic Impact

The effects of immigration policy extend beyond agriculture, impacting the overall U.S. economy. The deportation of undocumented immigrants has exacerbated labor shortages in industries such as construction and services, which heavily rely on immigrant workers. This has led to decreased productivity and higher costs in these sectors, potentially slowing down U.S. economic growth. While the government has introduced measures to stabilize the labor market, their effectiveness remains limited, and further policy reforms are necessary.


President Trump’s immigration policy has had far-reaching consequences for U.S. society and the economy. This article highlighted the current state of agricultural labor, the food supply chain, and the broader economic impacts. Understanding these effects helps clarify the challenges ahead and underscores the need for appropriate measures. We encourage readers to reflect on these issues and take action toward creating a better future.




  1. immigration – 移民
  2. policy – 政策
  3. deportation – 追放
  4. illegal – 不法の
  5. economy – 経済
  6. society – 社会
  7. security – 安全保障
  8. agriculture – 農業
  9. labor – 労働力
  10. workforce – 労働人口
  11. foreign-born – 外国生まれの
  12. authorization – 許可
  13. shortage – 不足
  14. production – 生産
  15. conditions – 状況、条件
  16. food supply chain – 食料供給チェーン
  17. instability – 不安定性
  18. perishable – 腐りやすい
  19. goods – 商品
  20. prices – 価格
  21. self-sufficiency – 自給自足
  22. economic growth – 経済成長
  23. sectors – 部門、分野
  24. construction – 建設業
  25. services – サービス業
  26. productivity – 生産性
  27. reforms – 改革
  28. consequences – 結果、影響
  29. challenges – 課題
  30. measures – 対策

